“Notechis Scutatis” what does that mean? Well it is actually the scientific name of Tiger Snakes. They have a very powerful venom sting enough to break down the skin of it’s prey. They are even in the top ten list of most dangerous snakes ever.

They live in wet creeks, swamps and jungle like areas, their diet is mainly fish, frogs, tadpoles, lizards, birds, rodents and mammals. If they are agitated, they attack and bite.

They have no arms and no legs, which surprisingly helps them because that helps them go into burrows where rodents live so that the snakes can eat them, it also is an area that they can go into to stay warm for winter.

The reason they are dangerous is because of what they have as a “physiological adaption”(which is something an animal builds up in their system and then they use it for safety or as a weapon). They have a neurotoxic venom in their fangs that paralyses and breaks down the skin of it’s victim.

Here’s how to spot a Tiger Snake. They have black or brown skin with yellow splodges, they are not aggressive and are found in wet creeks, rivers and swamps. They are found in Australia and if you do come across one, stay a fair way away and don’t agitate it or it will bite you.

Have you ever seen a tiger snake?

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